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City of Maize "Where Community Counts"


  • Chief of Police Jeff Weible

    Jeff Weible
    Chief of Police

    p. (316) 722-1433
    EMERGENCY 9-1-1
    If calling from outside Sedgwick County: 316.263.6011

    Jail:  316.660.5245

    10100 W Grady Ave.
    P.O. Box 245
    Maize, KS 67101

School Resource Officers

School Resource Officer Triad Model - Teacher, Counselor, Enforcer (MENTOR)

The Maize Police Department has six School Resource Officers (SROs) assigned to the Maize School District's two high schools, two middle schools, and two intermediate schools and will soon have a roving SRO for the district's elementary schools.    While the Maize South Campus resides in the City of Wichita, the Maize and Wichita Police Departments have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding which allows Maize Officers to act as "first responders" with full police authority to respond to incidents occurring at any of the schools located on the south campus and assist in investigations.  In addition, all Maize Police Officers, including our SROs are commissioned as deputies by Sedgwick County Sheriff Jeff Easter, allowing Maize Officers to respond to and assist with calls anywhere within Sedgwick County with the same authority as regular sheriff's deputies.

Officers assigned to schools are certified by the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO).  NASRO certified officers are trained under the "triad" concept of school-based policing. The triad concept divides the SRO's responsibilities into three areas: Teacher, Counselor, and Law Enforcement Officer. In addition, two of our SROs are certified to teach D.A.R.E, Drug Abuse Resistance Education in our intermediate schools.  By training law enforcement to educate, counsel, and protect our school communities, the officers of the Maize Police Department will continue to lead by example and promote a positive image of law enforcement to our youth. This concept is already being utilized in the Maize Police Department's summer youth  911 Camp, that serve Maize area kids each summer.

The City and USD 266 BOE acknowledge that SROs promote and enhance the general safety of persons of all ages while at their assigned schools.

The Maize Police Department SRO Program aims to provide safe learning environments in our schools, provide valuable resources to school staff, foster a positive relationship with our youth, and develop strategies to resolve problems affecting our youth with the goal of protecting every child so they can reach their fullest potential.

Maize School Resource Officers:

National Association of School Resource Officers.

Speak Up!  Anonymous Tip Program

City of Maize
Through the integration of its population into every aspect of quality education, civic improvements, community appearance, commerce and recreation, Maize shall preserve its small town atmosphere and become the best small city in Kansas.

"Where Community Counts"